We’re glad you’re coming to pick up some alcohol, but there are some laws we have to follow:

The purchaser has be at least 21 years of age, and we do have to check. If we ask you to take your mask  down to see your beautiful face, we promise it will take only a couple seconds. But we gotta make sure you are who you say you are and you’re as old as you claim to be.

You can purchase and take out only up to 192oz of beer at a time.  That’s two 6-packs, one 12-pack, three growlers, or various combinations of 12oz, 16oz, 22oz and 25.9oz bottles and cans. Don’t worry, we’re trained to add all that up.

You can purchase and take out only up to 192oz of cocktail at a time. They also want us to let you know that you can’t open any of it until you get to where you’re going. In fact, the cocktails should be stored somewhere out of reach during transport – in the trunk of your car is their recommendation. We’re going to put a tamper-proof sticker over the strawhole in the lid of your cup, because we have to — and because we don’t want you to get into trouble either.

When we say cocktail, we mean a liquor with a mixer. The liquor can be any liquor, and the mixer can be any mixer, but they have to be together in order to legally be sold as a to-go cocktail. And the sum of everything together is how we determine the number of ounces. For instance: 1.25oz Jack Daniels + 2.75oz Coke + 2oz ice = 6oz cocktail. You still have up to 186oz you can take out.

Our slushees are considered to be cocktails. We sell slushees 12oz at a time. That means you can buy 16 of them at once. Hope you brought your cooler.

We are not allowed to sell wine to go. We are not allowed to sell sangria or any cocktails containing wine to go. If you want to drink our wine, and we hope you do, you’ll have to hang out in our dining room. Don’t worry, if you can’t finish the whole bottle, we can re-cork it and you can take the leftovers home with you.

Caliente is pleased to deliver you beer, but we have to follow the laws. Here they are:

The purchaser has to be at least 21 years of age, and we do have to check before we can leave it with you. We can still do it without contact, but we’ve gotta get close enough for you to hold up your ID to show us. We’ll be wearing a mask and we will be close to you only long enough to see that you are who you say you are and you’re as old as you claim to be.

The beer has to be paid for before we deliver it, which means you’ll need to pay with either a credit or debit card over the phone or online.

We can deliver only up 192oz at a time to you. That’s two 6-packs, one 12-pack or three growlers.

You don’t have to buy food in order for us to deliver you beer, but isn’t beer better with a pizza?

We cannot deliver wine or cocktails.